Love Lives Longer

"Don't Judge A Person By His Action, But By His Intention"

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Reserve Versus Deserve

Open a news paper and you would see the insistent remarks of politicians on increasing the quota seats for the OBC in premier institutes like IIT, IIM and AIIMS. According to third law of Newton: “Every action has equal and opposite reaction” .So when action is so protuberant then massive reaction is poise to result. The agitating encounter started with few AIIMS medical student and now it had captured the minds of entire medicos in fact the entire student fraternity.

In developing country like India where every day lot of us struggle for the limited resources which is at our disposal. Aftermath if these scarce resources are inundated with these reservation microbes then frustration is liable to show its wings of desperation.

Reservation which was introduced in constitution for 5 years, to bring the downtrodden lower and backward castes in main stream is still there even after more than 50 years of independence. Reservation principles which are so simple has been made conundrum by our teeming political personalities. Even a naïve has this idea that reservation is nothing but the tool for well off people to become more significant in the society.
No one is completely against this reservation. But the thing is that really needy people are not getting the benefits. If we want the weaker boughs of tree to flourish like other sibling boughs. Then we cannot do that by trimming the healthier boughs in order to make way for the weaker one. But the profound solution is providing the much needed water to it. So that weaker boughs can grow along with the healthier one. Analogous to this, weaker sections should be raised not on edifice made by slaughtering upper. But if we really want them to flourish then we have to start it by giving reservation at entry levels. Reservation should be done at primary school level. So that when this educated youth come in the coliseum of life. Then they can fight with the other gladiators with equal arms in their armory.

Reservation should be there according to the economical background of the candidate irrespective of which caste or class he/she belongs. Let the really deserving candidate throat is not quenched by this gallows of reservation. One of the repercussions of this undue reservation could the increase in the divisive attitude among the students. There could be two sects in our future campus. Minor upper castes and flourished lower and backward castes. When the time has arrived to completely dislodge this reservation then government is looking to make it more prominent. This assiduous policy is nothing less than divides and rule principle followed by British prior to independence.

But let these people who are responsible for this divisive measure know that we are youths who are gel by an adhesive which is made of comrades and love for each other.
Yeah Fevicol ka Majbut Jodd hai tu te ga nahi!


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